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One Piece Great War

One Piece: The Seven Warlords and the Summit War

The Seven Warlords of the Sea

The Seven Warlords of the Sea were a group of seven incredibly powerful pirates who were granted the authority to act as privateers for the World Government. In exchange for this power, the Warlords were required to assist the government in maintaining peace and order on the seas. The Warlords were each unique individuals with their own reasons for joining the group, ranging from a desire for freedom to a thirst for power.

The Three Admirals

The three Admirals are the highest-ranking officers in the Marines, the World Government's military force. They are responsible for commanding the Marines and overseeing all naval operations. The Admirals are incredibly powerful fighters and are considered to be the strongest members of the Marines.

The Summit War

The Summit War was a major battle that took place between the Marines and the Whitebeard Pirates, led by the legendary pirate Whitebeard. The war was sparked by the execution of Ace, Whitebeard's adopted son. The battle was one of the most devastating in One Piece history, with both sides suffering heavy losses. Ultimately, the Marines emerged victorious, but Whitebeard sacrificed himself to ensure the safety of his crew.
