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Background And Key Provisions

Understanding Proposition 103: A Consumers Guide to Insurance Regulations

Background and Key Provisions

Proposition 103, adopted by California voters in 1988, is a groundbreaking insurance law that aimed to protect consumers from excessive and unfair insurance rates. It introduced several key provisions to regulate the insurance industry:

Rate Approval and Oversight

Proposition 103 requires all insurance rates to be approved by the elected Insurance Commissioner. This oversight helps ensure that rates are not excessive, inadequate, unfair, or discriminatory, protecting consumers from unreasonable rate hikes.

Good Driver Discount Plan

The law established a Good Driver Discount plan that provides discounts to drivers with clean driving records. This provision recognizes and rewards responsible driving, encouraging safe practices on the road.

Elected Insurance Commissioner

Proposition 103 created an elected Insurance Commissioner position, ensuring that the regulation of the insurance industry is subject to public oversight. The Insurance Commissioner is responsible for enforcing the provisions of Proposition 103 and protecting consumer interests.
