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From Poland To Global Stardom

Robert Lewandowski: A Name that Sparked a Footballing Legacy

From Poland to Global Stardom

The Power of a Father's Vision

WEB Krzysztof Lewandowski, the father of legendary football star Robert Lewandowski, always believed in his son's talent. He bestowed upon him the name "Robert" for one clear reason: to make it easier for his son to navigate the world stage as a professional footballer.

A Family of Athletes

Robert's father had a significant sporting background. Krzysztof Lewandowski was a Polish Judo champion and footballer for Hutnik Warsaw. His mother, Iwona Lewandowska, was a volleyball player.

The Weight of Loss

Tragically, Krzysztof's life was cut short in March 2005 after battling an illness. Robert, then only 16, was living in Warsaw with his sister Milena at the time.

A Lasting Legacy

Robert Lewandowski's name, chosen by his father with such foresight, has become synonymous with footballing excellence. From his early days to his current status as one of the world's most revered strikers, his journey serves as a testament to the unwavering belief of a father in his son's dreams. Krzysztof Lewandowski's legacy lives on through the remarkable achievements of the son he gave the name "Robert" - a name that would forever be etched in the annals of footballing history.
